Pirate Lingo
How to talk like a pirate
Ahoy! | Hello! |
Ahoy, matey! | Hello, crew or friends! |
Ahoy, me hearties | Hello, my good friends |

Ahoy, me hearties!
If yer gonna to join a crew, ye better learn the lingo. I’m Swabby, I’ll be teachin’ ye how to be a true buccaneer!

Heave ho
“Put your back into it!” This is when you want the crew to move faster!
Common Sayings
Argh! (“Yarrr!”or “Arrr!”) | A positive response or expression of excitement |
Avast Ye | Stop and check this out |
Aye | Yes |
Aye Aye | I’ll get this done right away |
Blow Me Down! | Phrase of shock or amazement |
Davy Jones’ Locker | An evil spirit at the bottom of the ocean, drawing pirates to their death |
Dead Men Tell No Tales | Leave no survivors |
Feed the Fish | About to die |
Fire in the Hole | Warning before a cannon is fired |
Heave Ho | Put yer muscle into it |
Jolly Roger | Classic black pirate flag with white skull and crossbones |
Shiver Me Timbers! | An expression of shock |
Walk the Plank | Method of execution where bound victim is forced to walk off the ship to their doom |
Yo Ho Ho! | Cheery phrase to get someone’s attention |
Bilge-Sucking | An insulting expression of disdain |
Carouser | Reckless or loud person who drinks excessively |
Landlubber | A person unfamiliar with the sea or sailing |
Scallywag | A rookie pirate |
Scourge of the 7 Seas | The worst kind of pirate |
Scurvy Dog | Yer teeth might fall out |
Son of a Biscuit Eater | Another insult, bread related |
Scurvy dog!
Looking to insult an enemy crew member! Scurvy Dog’ll do it!

Plunder & Treasure
Booty | A treasure |
Bounty | A reward put on the capture of a pirate |
Coffer | The treasure chest |
Plunder | Take the booty or steal |
Boat References
Bow | Front of a ship, also called “forward”. |
Broadside | The most vulnerable angle of a ship that runs the length of the boat. The main cannons are located here. |
Chaser | Cannons mounted in the bow or stern of a sailing ship. |
Clipper | Fast-moving boat or ship |
Cog | Smaller war ship |
Crow’s Nest | A small lookout platform near the top of the mast to see long distances |
Dinghy | A small (row) boat often used to ferry pirates from the ship to shore. In Plunder Panic, it be full of explosives and dubbed “Death’s Row”! |
Forecastle | The forward deck of the ship. My sword shop be located here. |
Galley | A long slender ship propelled manually by oars. Also where food is cooked and prepared on a ship. |
Hull | This is the watertight body of the ship that allows it to float. Put a few holes in this and the ship will sink. |
Poop Deck | The deck above the “aft” cabin (typically above the captains quarters) used by officers for observation; derived from French word “La Poupe”, meaning stern. |
Port | Nautical term for left side of ship. |
Starboard | Nautical term for right side of ship. |
Stern | Rear of a ship. Also called “aft”. |

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